domingo, 8 de abril de 2018


La plataforma de minería de bitcoins ofrece altos tiempos de disponibilidad y una interfaz fácil de usar


Estube probando esla web y de verdad paga, ellos te dan para comenzar una potencia de minado o un plan de BitMiner v1.0 Free,   

Como se ve en la imagen, saquen sus cuentas, 

Tambien tiene otros planes para aumentar tu poder de mineria


Acá les dejo el link de referido

1 comentario:

  1. Cost of "services" of intermediaries

    Intermediaries have tightly entangled production chains. Today goods need to pass 5 to 10 intermediaries before reaching out to consumers.

    At each stage, intermediaries charge fees for their “services”. Of course, some really do useful work: for instance, intermediaries find sale of products or solve legal issues. But the majority of agents does nothing useful; it only takes part in the production chains, hands products over and receives their percentage.

    One of the most important problems facing modern society is reducing the number of useless intermediaries (ideally, excluding them entirely). Goods should not get worse and more expensive for the end user due to the fact that someone decided to earn by doing nothing.

    In some cases, the percentage of products’ price that intermediaries take away can reach up to 40-50%! An impressive number, isn’t it? Isn‘t it true that buying goods in a store for 100 rubles with only 50-60 rubles going to the producer at best, is not a thing you want to be part of?

    Good news is that modern technologies can be used for getting rid of useless intermediaries completely in 15-20 years. Blockchain platforms, which have appeared in the past few months, offer convenient interfaces for P2P-interaction. Consumers and producers are starting to understand the benefits of such developments.

    Today, modern technologies allow mass market companies to find consumers directly. This is convenient for both. The manufacturer sells its products without spending a lot of time and can quickly reinvest its profits into improvement of the quality of output. And the consumer buys products at a reduced price as it does not pay the costs of intermediaries, which have previously been laid by the manufacturer into the price of goods.

    The future economy is in direct interaction between the consumer and the producer. Useless intermediaries are doomed to disappearing. The extra profits that they receive today will vanish as blockchain technologies are spreading rapidly. And this will happen in the near future, just in 3-4 years.

    The Yodse platform eliminates intermediaries from the production chain. Only manufacturers and consumers will be dealing with products, i.e. the very ones who are intended to do so.


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